]> " Examples from Martha Yee's Cataloging Rules Zebrowski, John A. New research on social perception. W1 Zebrowski, John A. n2006056219 English 2007 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York, New York United States non-fiction anthology. Collected papers on social perception. Children's perceptions of social groups / Drew Nesdale Social information processing in preschool children : preliminary evidence regarding a promising new assessment tool / Yair Ziv Characteristics of victims of bullying: implications for research / Tanya N. Beran Perceptions of dangerous situations and victimization of women with and without impairments / Patricia P. Hughes, David Marshall, and Claudine Sherrill Visual stereotypes in an eyewitness context / Janet Pozzulo and Murray Weeks Social perception and the social class-mental illness relationship : new research or beating a dead horse? / Jon E. Roeckelein Cognitive factors in the prediction of liking social groups : prototypes, predictability and familiarity / James B. Worthen, Susan Coats, and Richard P. McGlynn, et al. The interaction between perceived attractiveness and implicit theories on people's inferences about long-term relationships / Scott F. Madey, Kristy Kappen, and Jamie D. Hocker The effects of cognitive complexity and communication apprehension on the expression and recognition of sarcasm / Patricia Rockwell Occupational prestige perceptions of nursing and physiotherapy : an international survey / Patricia A. Turner and T.W. Allan Whitfield Issued as a single unit. Nesdale, Drew. Children's perceptions of social groups. W2 Nesdale, Drew. P2 Ziv, Yair. Social information processing in preschool children. W3 Ziv, Yair. P3 Beran, Tanya N. Characteristics of victims of bullying: implications for research. W4 Beran, Tanya N. P4 Hughes, Patricia P. Perceptions of dangerous situations and victimization of women with and without impairments. W5 Hughes, Patricia P. P5 Pozzulo, Janet. Visual stereotypes in an eyewitness context. W6 Pozzulo, Janet. P6 Roeckelein, Jon E. Social perception and the social class-mental illness relationship. W7 Roeckelein, Jon E. P7 Worthen, James B. Cognitive factors in the prediction of liking social groups. W8 Worthen, James B. P8 Madey, Scott F. The interaction between perceived attractiveness and implicit theories on people's inferences about long-term relationships. W9 Madey, Scott F. P9 Rockwell, Patricia Ann. Effects of cognitive complexity and communication apprehension on the expression and recognition of sarcasm. W10 Rockwell, Patricia Ann. P10 Turner, Patricia A. Occupational prestige perceptions of nursing and physiotherapy. W11 Turner, Patricia A. P11 Social perception. sh85123982 HM1041.N49 Sociology--Social psychology--Social perception. Social cognition--General works